Youth Fly Fishing Opportunities in Manitoba
Yesterday, the Winnipeg Free Press published a short article on a couple of opportunities to get youth more involved in the sport of fly fishing. The article entitled “A reel opportunity for kids,” reports that a program called “Reel Solutions For Kids” founded by Doug and Janice Leroux targets youth “at risk.” Originally founded in Lac Du Bonnet, Manitoba, the program hopes to expand and be involved in other communities throughout the Canadian Province of Manitoba.
As well, in May 2010, Fly Fishing Canada is holding a Youth Fly Fishing clinic in Roblin Manitoba, in conjunction with the Canadian Fly Fishing Championships being held at the same time in and around Roblin. Canadian youth between the ages of 13 and 18 are invited to attend where they will learn about loch-style fly fishing.
There is more information about the youth clinic on Fly Fishing Canada’s website.
More information about “Reel Solutions For Youth” here.