Wednesday Evening Musings

Anyone else get what seems to be a mild case of eczema on your hands or fingers after a lot of fly tying? If so, have you found anything to help prevent it or treat it? I probably have an allergy to something – I’m suspecting rabbit as I’ve been tying a lot of flies with rabbit strips.  Here’s a fly pattern that uses rabbit strips and has been very hot for me recently on rainbow trout in stillwater: The Viva Zonker.

I came across an article about fly fishing for catfish.  Some might scoff at that, but I’ve caught catfish on weighted nymphs. Shocked the heck out of me when it happened.  And not just once, but several times when fishing a pond that had bass in it that I was targeting.  The article about catfish on the fly is here: 3 ways to overcome the summertime blues (hey, they use all lowercase in the title of the article).

I’m not sure if I will get out for a couple of hours of fishing tomorrow.  The “wee man” has a soccer game in the evening and I have a lot to do during the day.  On the other hand, David is heading out west with his mother for over two weeks soon, so maybe the important business stuff isn’t as important.  I guess I’ll have some clients wondering… but the invoicing could wait until later.

I am missing a certain flask right now. It was very special to me. When people say that material things don’t matter, they are wrong.  Sometimes, they do matter. Perhaps it’s the representation of something in one’s mind. I could go out and get another one just like it, but it wouldn’t be the same.  Sometimes, we get angry and do things and say things we regret very much later.  Does that ever stop?  Do we learn as we grow older?

Some might know of my other hobby/passion: Home Winemaking.  So, this looks like it would be fun and enjoyable… wine tasting and fly fishing.

The title of this post involves musings. Random musings – so finally, if you’re interested in learning some new fly tying skills, go to and do a search for Davie McPhail. There are some great videos up there!

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