An Afternoon With Neil Houlding

Neil Houlding Demonstrating Two Handed Casting I finally managed to make arrangements to meet with Neil Houlding for some guidance on two handed spey casting.  It’s not something I’ve ever tried much of, and Neil is a very efficient two-handed caster, having considerable knowledge and skill.  He’s also a very good instructor, patiently pointing out…

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More Snow!

It’s only February 1st, and there is lots more winter to come.  But already we’ve had several major snow storms and a good number of days with snow squalls blowing through, dropping quite a bit of precipitation in my part of the world. Part of me hates it.  Another part though is quite happy.  I…

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Another post on conservation related subject because it’s on my mind.  It stems from recent discussions and some of my thoughts on what I find baffling:  Trying to turn the Conestogo River into a brown trout river when there is already populations of native fish in the river. I would like to see “enhancement” for…

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