New Articles Posted
This past week:
Fishpond Cloudburst Bag – Gear Review
Last year, I needed to get myself a decent bag suitable for carrying and holding flies and related gear for fly fishing from a boat on lakes. I ended up choosing the Fishpond Cloudburst Bag, and here’s my review of it.
HPU (Hook-Point-Up) Fly Fishing Patterns
All Hook-Point-Up (HPU) patterns have three components. First, lead or brass eyes placed below the hook-eye. Second, some sort of tying material such as deer hair, feathers, fur, or hanked material tied in above the hook-eye. Third, a sturdy and often large streamer hook. Fox Statler tells us more. “Be a Bite fisherman. Use whatever fly that is needed to get the Bites.” By Fox Statler.
All About Fly Fishing Scud Swap
Official announcement for our “Scud Swap.” No, we’re not talking Iraqi missiles – we’re talking about an insect that according to Ian James, if you want to be a successful angler, you’ll want to “get up close and personal with.” Calling Scud pattern tyers – we’re looking for 13 more to participate in this swap.