Master Salmon Fishing Tips To Become A Better Fisherman

Salmon and steelhead fishing can at time be extremely difficult. Therefore, my site is dedicated to providing information to anglers, beginners and advanced anglers alike. If you would like to view countless tips and tactics for salmon and steelhead please feel free to view Steelhead Fishing Tips.

One technique that I always practice is being as natural with my presentation as I can possibly be. Thus, always use the lightest weight line that you can possibly use. Not only does this improve sensitivity and casting distance, it also increases your chances of a hook up. Light line is also less likely to spook other fish, therefore pulling your bait and or lure through the water is much less likely to spook the fish.

Yet another technique that can be used for salmon fishing is what I call repeated drifting. I call it this because it entails fishing water that is relatively visible, and repeatedly drifting your bait past the same fish until it either strikes or swims away. This technique has worked wonders when the fish are not cooperating. The repeated drift is a great way to trigger aggression from the fish. If you fail to get the fish to strike, it will usually swim away because it will become annoyed. At that point, you may go and try to target more aggressive fish.

Another way to catch more steelhead is with hook size. Hook size plays a very important role in steelhead fishing. The fish are finicky at times and therefore if they can see the hook they will not strike. One way to avoid this dilemma is to use little hooks as they are much harder to detect. Hook size will differ depending on conditions such as water clarity, bait fished, etc. A good bet is always the size 12 egg holder hook. I always have great success with this size hook.

Lastly, my last resort method is always to simply change it up. This means that if you are no longer catching salmon that you should change either what you are using for bait, or the color of it. Most often, all that is needed is a simple change in color. This even applies to trout fishing. When fishing pools in mid-summer that are full of trout, the fish become selective. Switching the color of the bait used often is the determining factor of whether or not you have a good day or a bad day.

Salmon fishing is not easy, it is a test for even the most accomplished anglers. However, with time and practice you can become very skilled at it!

If you would like more information on Steelhead Fishing feel free to visit my site. Good luck out there!

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