Integrated Watershed Management In Ontario
For those that might be interested, this just arrived in my inbox from the Ontario Headwaters Institute. I notice that Jack Imhof of Trout Unlimited Canada will be a panelist:
Ontario has an enviable legacy of leadership in watershed management. As increasing population and development pressures converge with a changing climate, emerging sophistication in the natural sciences, and the need for increased agency collaboration, is Integrated Watershed Management a next logical step for Ontario?
Please join us on Tuesday May 11 for a robust discussion on the evolution of Integrated Watershed Management in Ontario.
This day-long symposium will be held in downtown Toronto and features 9 key speakers, opportunities for Q&A, breakout groups, and a closing plenary, at the reasonable fee of $50.00 thanks in large part to our sponsors: Conservation Ontario and the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources.
The full agenda is provided below and can be seen at where you will also find information on Registration and a map and directions to the event.
For further information, please reply to this address or call me at the number below.M
Andrew McCammon
Ontario Headwaters Institute
may 11, 2010 89 chestnut street, torontoRegistration and Networking over Coffee, muffins, and croissants 7:30 – 8:30
Welcome and Introduction to the Day 8:30
Greetings from Linda Jeffrey, Minister of Natural Resources 8:45
Current Conditions 9:00 – 10:10Collaboration on the Provincial Water Agenda
Jennifer Keyes, Manager, Director, Great Lakes and Water Policy Branch,
Ministry of Natural ResourcesObservations on Ontario’s Culture of Watershed Management
Don Pearson, General Manager, Conservation Ontario
Bio-breakKey Challenges 10:30 – 12:00
Climate: Are Changes to the Hydrologic Cycle the Key Driver for IWM?
Dr Isobel Heathcote – Principal, Wyndham Research Inc. Dr Heathcote is the
author of Integrated Watershed Management and a former professor of
Environmental Science and Environmental Engineering, University of GuelphManaging the Great Lakes and their Contributing Watersheds
Rick Findlay – Consultant and Vice-chair, Canadian Water Network. Past
Positions include: Director, Water Program, Pollution Probe; Chief, Climate
Change team at Environment Canada; and Director, Ontario Round Table on
Environment and EconomyLunch 12:00 – 1:15
Existing Strengths and Future Goals 1:15 – 2:30
Where are we on IWM, and where do we want to go? Thoughts from and Q&A with an Expert Panel.
Nancy Goucher – Program Coordinator,
Forum for Leadership on Water
IWM, Canada, First Nations,
and the CCMEMNR – To be confirmed
IWM, Conservation, and Pollution
Ian Smith – Director, Source Protection
Programs Branch, Ministry of the EnvironmentIWM and Drinking Water
Source Protection
Jack Imhof – Senior Aquatic Biologist, MNR; and National Biologist, Trout Unlimited CanadaIWM, Biodiversity, and
Inland WatersMike Walters – Director, Watershed Management, Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority
IWM, Conservation Authorities, and Sustainable CommunitiesCommunity Consultation 2:30 – 3:30
Breakout Groups with afternoon beverages. Groups will be provided with guidelines, note-takers, and charts to record comments
Ontario’s Collaborative Culture of Watershed Management
Is Climate Change the key driver for IWM?
Managing the Great Lakes and their Contributing Watersheds
National Issues, First Nations, and the CCME
IWM, Conservation, and Pollution (To be confirmed)
IWM, Biodiversity, and Inland Waters
IWM and Drinking Water Source Protection
IWM, Conservation Authorities, and Sustainable CommunitiesReports Back, Discussion, and Closing Comments 3:30 – 4:30