Hatchery Work

A club that I am a member of has a hatchery.  Over the winter, the hatchery was home to tiny brown trout and atlantic salmon which were eventually released into the headwaters of a nearby river – a tributary of Lake Ontario. Today was a “work day” at the hatchery and several members showed up to help out.  One member brought along his daughter, and I had the company of Colin and David.

I’m so not a “morning person,” so Colin, David and I arrived a bit late after the scheduled start time but when we arrived, Colin and I helped shovel gravel into wheelbarrows – gravel that was used to raise and level the floor of the hatchery.  Many hands can indeed make for light work.

David had fun “warning” us all when empty wheelbarrows were on their way for another gravel refill with his “Yellow one coming through!  Grey one coming through!” and even helped by picking out his favorite gravel stones and putting them into the wheelbarrows by hand.  A fantastic picnic lunch was then served to the helpers.

Much later, after Colin, David and I decided to sit down and watch a DVD that I picked up at a local tackle shop.  It looked interesting, but let me tell you now that “the trout bum diaries – Volume 1 – patagonia” is not worth the 40 bucks Canadian or the hour and half length of time.  Well, to be honest, I guess I can’t say for sure about the approximately 90 minutes the movie takes, as by the half way point, we were so bored with it we simply all walked away from the TV.   It’s unfortunate, as it seems to me the concept could have a lot of potential for a great 90 minute diversion of fly fishing entertainment – but to be blunt, this movie sucked.  I’ll write up a full review shortly, and post it on All About Fly Fishing.

In the meantime, I think I’ll experiment with some fly tying and think about my own adventures I’d like to participate in that include fly fishing and fly fishing companions.

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