Fly Fishing Safety – Thunderstorms
During the seasons when thunderstorms are a risk, one of the dumbest things anyone could do is to stand in a river and wave around a graphite stick that’s 8+ feet long. Talk about a lightning rod!
Sometimes, we die-hard anglers take risks when we should not – hoping for that one last chance at a nice fish on the end of our lines. Or continuing to wade a river when the current is getting stronger and the water level is getting higher. We really shouldn’t do stupid stuff like that; especially if we have loved ones that are hoping to see us again soon!
Being on the water as a thunderstorm approaches is one of the most dangerous places to be, but we can’t always rely on our observations and hearing senses to know how much of a risk we are in. Did you know that it is possible to have a lightning detector that can detect lightning up to 40 miles away?
Although some lightning detection systems are very expensive, there are others that are well within the budget of anglers who will spend $500.00 or more on a new rod. Portable lightning detectors that you can carry with you, and give you a much better idea of the risk you have while warning you about any approaching electrical storms.
Yes, it’s another gadget – and fly anglers tend to be gadget happy, but this is one that could help save you from death or serious injury.
[…] SoundsLake Michigan salmon stocking cuts being considered – is our salmon fishing in troubleFly Fishing Safety – Thunderstorms jQuery.noConflict(); jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $(document).ready(function(){ var […]
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The number of times I have been stuck in a thunderstorm whilst fishing. I think I have finally learnt my lesson after hearing how many people have been struck by lightning during storms before.
Yes it’s very dangerous!
It’s not the sort of thing that you ever think really will ever happen to you. I guess it does happen occasionally but to be honest I don’t think a bit of thunder is gonna put me off fishing. Well unless I can actually see the lightening, that would be stupid to carry on.
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I have a rule when I’m fishing. If I can hear the thunder, then it’s time to come back to shore. Lightning can strike up to 30 miles away from the storm so, even if you can’t see it, the threat is still there. There is no point risking your life to catch another fish or two.
Well, check out the weather forecast before going out would be a precaution one could take:)