The Upper Grand River In Spring

Last Thursday turned into a gorgeous day with the sun shining brightly and the temperature hitting about 15 or 16C in Southern Ontario.  Most of the snow had melted away, and it was one of those days that just shouldn’t be wasted indoors. Especially at this time of the year when such sunny warm days…

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Opening Day Disappointment

Colin arrived from Ottawa yesterday to carry on our years long tradition of spending Opening Day together. We had made arrangements with my friend Dave Moore to head to the Grand and show him a few of the access points as he’d never fished there before, meeting here first at about 7AM. I was so…

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Quick Update

Well, summer with Colin was going great until I got a crazy insane flu or cold virus. I seldom get sick, but when I do, it’s a doozy.  This time was no exception, and for the first time in about a decade, I was laid up for about two weeks.  By the time I had…

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