Bagpipes And Fly Fishing
What do bagpipes and fly fishing have in common?
Well, off the top of my head, I can’t really think of too much other than both are enjoyed in Scotland and my “home country” of Northern Ireland. Also, as well as fly fishing, I have recently begun bagpipe lessons. Actually, in order to learn the bagpipes, one uses what is called a “practice chanter.” Much quieter than the bagpipes and probably keeps the beginner from having the police show up at the door due to neighbours complaining of awful sounds and noises invading their space.
I can’t say that as an activity, fly fishing has much in common with piping. Learning to play seems to require more coordination with your fingers than fly tying does! On the other hand, if one is wearing a kilt, do they need waders when wading?
Maybe one day, if I graduate to the Pipes, and am playing in Fergus, I’ll want to go for a wade afterwards in the Grand River to catch some trout.
While browsing for bagpipe information, I did discover that Island Bagpipe of Vancouver Island, BC not only has Pipe supplies, but also carries a model each of a fly rod and reel. An interesting combination for sure! Owner Gord MacDonald is not only a Piper, but an avid fly angler too. Perhaps I’ll get to fly fish withday.
You can check out his website of fly rod and reel as well as bagpipes.
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