Added To Beginner’s Corner

There seems to be many who are new to the sport of fly fishing that are unaware of the many different techniques that are worthwhile learning about.  I’ve spoken with a number of new anglers, and they seem to only focus on improving their back and forward cast.  Some have never learned to do a roll cast, which I think is perhaps one of the first things an angler new to fly casting should learn. A good roll cast can be the introduction to a perfect fore cast that gets the fly out to where the fish are.  Often, a back cast need not even be employed in some situations, if a good roll cast is used.  Yet many have never even heard of a roll cast let alone practice it so they become proficient at it.

Roll casts are not the only technique that beginners can learn to improve their fly fishing experience.  To that end, I’ve written a quick article – it is definitely not meant to be comprehensive nor does it cover every detail, but for the beginner to become aware that there is much more to fly fishing if one wants, than simply performing a good back and forward cast.

Fly Fishing Techniques – A Brief Overview


  1. Fishing » » Added To Beginner’s Corner on November 30, 2010 at 7:52 am

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